quinta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2009


Marie Ek
Nasceu em 1979 em Västerås, Suécia
Vive e trabalha em Estocolmo, Suécia
Estudou Estética Contemporânea, História e História de Arte na Universidade de Estocolmo e encontra-se a concluir o mestrado em Cinema no Swedish Film Institute.
O seu trabalho está publicado nas revistas Afisha Magazine (2007), JPG Magazine nr.10 (2007), Moloko+ issue 7, Slash Magazine nr, 8 (2008), O_100 spring issue 2008,
Chikismiqui magazine 2009 e no livro “For the Love of Light: a Tribute to the Art of Polaroid”

Marie Ek
Born 1979 in Västerås, Sweden.
Lives in and works in Stockholm ,Sweden
Studied Contemporary aesthetics, History and Art history at Stockholm University and is concluding the master of Arts in Cinema Studies at the Swedish Film Institute.
Her works are published in  Afisha Magazine (2007), JPG Magazine issue 10 (2007), Moloko+ issue 7,
Slash Magazine  issue 8 (2008), O_100  spring issue 2008,
Chikismiqui magazine 2009 and in the book “For the Love of Light: a Tribute to the Art of Polaroid”
